
[] 好壮,要像欧洲的骑士一样!

周里,你每天都喝那么多酒,在夜店里放纵着自己。老师随着江水,望向了远方:我记得我还年轻的时候,很喜欢一个男孩,后来我的家搬到了另一个镇上,那个男孩便找到了一个新的女朋友。我的心都碎了。但是,即使你很伤心,也不能靠喝酒来麻醉自己。实际上,喝酒不会解决你的任何问题,反而会给你添很多的麻烦。你是我的孩子,你应该快乐,你应该有一个好的未来。生活中,你也应该学会自己怎么一个人快乐的渡过。我已经自己生活了30年了,有时候我很寂寞也很伤心。但是我坚信上帝爱着我,而且我努力的生活并尝试着交了很多朋友,而不是找一个特别的朋友。 你也一样,记住,上帝爱着你,而且我还在你身边。
My love left me after the spring festival this year. I felt lonely and sad. What I did is just drinking as much as I could in various bars at night. My teacher Cheryl was giving lectures in Korea, and she asked me to meet her in Seoul as soon as I could.
According to my mobile still have some single, I sent a message to my supervisor within a photo of the airport and boarding pass to prove that I was in Seoul rather than sleeping at home in Dalian. An old Australian women, Cheryl was waving her hands to welcome this disappointing student—me. Cheryl said that I did not have to send that message! This is your holiday. Maybe Chinese always need to learn that how to work and how to relax.
We met some street racer in the high way. Those luxury cars surpassed our taxi easily which was driving at 100km/h, and then they were disappeared with the large noise of engine in few seconds. Cheryl considered those drivers as poor men; even they were born in rich families.
It was dinner time after I found my accommodation and put my luggage there. And we walked to somewhere to enjoy our dinner. There were so many beautiful bars along the street, and a lot of young people came in and out with fashion clothes, maybe much more than fashion. I remembered that I had drunk a lot in some bars in China over these two weeks as those young people were doing at that time. Suddenly, a young girl came in front of me with terrible smell of alcohol. She hugged me and told me that she loved me with Korean. She said I love you again with English when she found that I could not understand. Love comes swiftly! Cheryl tugged her away and said: this is my son, and he has already married with his studies. I did not know whether the girl understood or not, anyway, she walked away. Love comes swiftly, will also go away in a short time. Cheryl looked around and said: younger wasteland.
We reached a small restaurant not soon. A kind old lady opened the door for us. I was surprised as this old lady could speak English very well. This might be the reason why there are so many western customers in this small restaurant. We were leaded to the bar count, then I know this lady was also an international student in Australia. She operated this small restaurant after retirement and lived along. Cheryl said: you have got your master degree. However her knowledge can easily surpass yours. This lady did not talk about academic to me. She passed her hand across my shoulder and back then said: too strong, like a knight in Europe.
Dinner was sample, a little rice with Korean barbecue meat, as well as pickles made by the boss. These were not delicious. But I was full as I was hungry. Cheryl got some whiskey with ice and coca cola. She offered one beer to me and told me that I could drink with her, but I was not old enough to drink whiskeys. Sorry, I remembered that I had drank many whiskeys and even more beers in last two week. The old lady taught me how to sing a Korean song. I did not know the name of this song; I could not understand the words in this song; moreover, I must be out of tune. Both two old ladies laughed. Some Americans joined us and we sang this song with different words and various tunes. But we all can understand happiness. As Cheryl drunk some whiskey, she started to introduce me to all people around: this is my son, this is my son. Then I drank another beer in this atmosphere.
We walked along Han River after dinner. A strong Chinese student followed an old Australian. The weather was a little cold beside the river even in spring. And I closed my leather jack, then hold Cheryl’s arm. We enjoyed the lighting waves and Cheryl started to talk to me: I am sorry you are feeling so sad at this time. You can not drink like what you were doing in last two weeks. You drunk every night in some bar and indulged yourself. Cheryl looked along the river and saw the far end. “I remember when I was young and liked a boy and then my family moved to another town and the boy chose a new girlfriend - I was broken hearted.  But even though you are sad, please take my advice and do not turn to alcohol - it will not solve your problems.  In fact, it will create more problems.  You are a nice guy, you deserve to be happy and have a good future. But you also need to learn to be a happy single.  I have been on my own more than 30 years - I get lonely and sad but take comfort in the fact that God loves me and I work hard to make more friends, not just a boyfriend.  That is my suggestion for you too. Remember that God loves you, and try to make several friends, not just one special person. And I will always be with you.”
An old hand put on my shoulder, following the cold jack down to my back: You are strong, son. You have to be a knight.

发帖时间:2013-03-12 10:29:19   |   回复数:0