
[转载游戏] [8.14]Tomb Raider: Anniversary (古墓丽影)[英文][2.56G]十周年纪念版


Tomb Raider: Anniversary retraces Lara Croft’s original genre-defining adventure — a globe-trotting 3rd person action adventure in pursuit of the legendary Scion artifact. Using an enhanced 'Tomb Raider: Legend' game engine, the graphics, technology and physics bring Lara's adventure and pursuit of a mystical artifact known only as the Scion right up to today's technology standards and will offer gamers a completely new game play experience. Re-imagined, Anniversary delivers a dynamic fluidly and fast Lara Croft, massive environments of stunning visuals, intense combat and game pacing, and an enhanced and clarified original story.

Minimum System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP, Processor: Pentium 3 1.4 GHz, DirectX 9.0c, 512 MB RAM, Free hard drive space: 4 GB, Video Card: 3D Accelerator with Hardware T&L and Pixel Shading 64MB Directx 9.0c, 16-bits Sound Card, DVD-ROM, Mouse


      为了能够完美再现初代《古墓丽影》的精髓,开发小组决定把游戏的重心集中在刺激的探索和经典的解迷部分上,事实上这也是重现系列最初风采的最直接有效的途径。 简单来说,《古墓丽影》重制版在游戏操作上类似于系列最新续作《古墓丽影 传奇》,在《传奇》中使用的各种备受好评的要素也将在重制版中出现。劳拉的身手比初代时更加敏捷灵活,可以依靠树枝或栏杆飞跃悬崖,玩家也在跳跃时也不必再象以前那样屏息凝神、精确计算,因为劳拉可以抓住岩石和建筑表面的突起或缝隙。玩家可以以自己方式去探索丛林、洞窟和遗迹,华丽逼真的场景将不再只是单纯的贴图和摆设,劳拉将与周围的环境发生更为丰富的互动。

游戏原名:Tomb Raider: Anniversary(古墓丽影十周年纪念版)
开发厂商:Crystal Dynamics

[ 本帖最后由 szlingchen 于 2007-8-14 13:11 编辑 ]
发帖时间:2007-08-14 12:47:14   |   回复数:15