
[] TrondheimSolistene.-.[Souvenir.-.Part.I].专辑.(Flac)[驴链]

专辑英文名: Souvenir - Part I
专辑中文名: 回忆
艺术家: TrondheimSolistene
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [24bits 192KHz]
发行时间: 2012年05月
地区: 挪威
语言: 英语

Album title SOUVENIR
Performer TrondheimSolistene
Øyvind Gimse, artistic director
Geir Inge Lotsberg, leader
Release date February, May and August 2012
Recording date May and October 2011
Location Selbu Church, Norway
http://www.2l.musikkonline.no/shop/display...d=404811 试听
TrondheimSolistene - SOUVENIR
[Google 翻译]
没有所谓正确格式的音乐 - 只有找到一个最适合您的需求| gramophone.co.uk
英国音乐杂誌“ 留声机 :“本来就小,但能够耸人听闻的音质是从2L目录,录得刚刚发布了其最新的录音TrondheimSolistene 。公佈的纪念品,分两个阶段进行,在环绕声使用DXD格式,提供约4倍分辨率为标準的SA-CD格式,渠务署,提供CD质量的MP3文件,如高清晰度立体声和多声道96kHz/24位元,立体声的192KHz/24-bit。哦, ​​作为LP直接金属掌握从的DXD文件,这是352.8kHz/24-bit,并结合几乎所有格式的蓝光光盘。
但是他们的种类,甚至是MP3文件都非常好冠冕堂皇的,所以它是真正的交易存储空间的问题获得更佳的音色。 这可能是一个考虑因素很多:一首曲目,柴可夫斯基的“小夜曲弦乐开幕,MP3版本(320KB / S)佔用22.7MB下9分半鐘的音乐,CD音质的FLAC 51MB,未压缩的WAV 99.3MB,96/24版187.4MB和24分之192的365.6MB。
它只是表明,确实没有正确格式的音乐,它只是一个案件中选择一个最适合您的需求。 我,我会坚持到二十四分之一百九十二在家里听,但是320K的版本将完全足够了白色的耳塞或在车上听iPod通过。
There’s no right format for music – just the one best suited to your needs | gramophone.co.uk
UK music magazine Gramophone: "Already small but capable of sensational sound quality is the catalogue from 2L, which has just released its latest recording by TrondheimSolistene. SOUVENIR, released in two stages, was recorded in surround using the DXD format, giving about four times the resolution of standard SA-CD format DSD, and is available at CD quality, as MP3 files, as high-resolution stereo and multichannel at 96kHz/24-bit, and as 192kHz/24-bit stereo. Oh, and as an LP Direct Metal Mastered from the DXD files, which are 352.8kHz/24-bit, and a Blu-ray disc combining almost all of the formats.
Thanks to 2L’s Morten Lindberg I was able to download all the versions of the set, and compare sound quality and file sizes: I am absolutely sold on the quality gains available all the way up to the 192kHz/24-bit stereo – I don’t, as yet, have anything able to play the FLACs taken from the DXD version!
But of their kind, even the MP3 files are very good-sounding, so it’s really a matter of trading storage space for better sound. That could be a consideration for many: taking one track, the opening of Tchaikovsky’s Serenade for Strings, the MP3 version (at 320kb/s) occupies 22.7MB for just under nine and a half minutes of music, the CD-quality FLAC 51MB, the uncompressed WAV 99.3MB, the 96/24 version 187.4MB and the 192/24 365.6MB.
And for hilarity’s sake, the DXD ‘master’ is 782.7MB.
It just goes to show that there’s really no right format for music: it’s just a case of choosing the one best suited for your needs. Me, I’ll stick to the 192/24 for listening at home, but the 320k version would be perfectly adequate for an iPod through the white earbuds or for listening in the car.
But I really must find a 384kHz/24-bit digital to analogue converter, just to satisfy my curiosity…"

    How do we listen to music? Indeed, how do we listen to anything? What we as listeners encounter here is sheer auditory bliss. TrondheimSolistene take a new step towards bridging the gap between themselves and their audience. It is not the gap between the live performance and the recording which they attempt to close. It is the gap between the recording and the living, ever open human ear.
    Erik Fosnes Hansen's essay Auditory bliss (EN) / Ørenspryd (NO) / Ohrenschmaus (DE)
    "Through its dynamic co-operation TrondheimSolistene (the Trondheim Soloists) and 2L has always sort to stretch the boundaries of what is possible to convey to the listener, aiming for the ultimate recorded listening experience. With the Serenade the team has taken things one step further with the TrondheimSolistene truly justifying their name. By placing each individual next to someone from a different voice rather than sitting in conventional sections we are working at the very outer limits of what is possible and creating chamber music at the highest level" - Øyvind Gimse, 2012.
    We allocated two weeks in 2011 to record this new album. Artistic director Øyvind Gimse and his associate Geir Inge Lotsberg initially chose two pieces that represent, in their estimation, "the most beautiful music ever composer for the string orchestra": Tchaikovsky's Souvenir de Florence and his Serenade for Strings. Aiming for a 90 minutes program left 30 more minutes to record. So the orchestra and 2L logged on to Facebook and asked the listeners worldwide what they'd like to hear. And the audience responded: Nielsen's Suite Opus 1. A little gem that would exploit the Trondheim Soloists' singular way with Nordic repertoire.
    Inspired by Morten Lindberg's extensive work with choral music, the Tchaikovsky's SERENADE was recorded with the ensemble placed in mixed voices, meaning no one is sitting beside anyone playing the same part, creating a totally new soundscape to the music. Carl Nielsen's SUITE opus 1 is recorded in a more "traditional" way in these sessions.
    What we recorded in May 2011 was published exclusively as high resolution audio files, by streaming and on vinyl. Then our recordings from October will add up to a full release on Pure Audio Blu-ray in August 2012.
    TrondheimSolistene (The Trondheim Soloists) are regarded as one of the top chamber orchestras in the world. Their DIVERTIMENTI and FOLK STYLE were both nominated for a total of five American GRAMMY Awards in categories "Best Small Ensemble", "Best Engineered Album" and "Best Surround Sound Album".
    The music captured by 2L features Norwegian composers and performers, and an international repertoire reflected in the Nordic atmosphere. The surround sound recordings of Lindberg Lyd not only transforms the entire listening experience, more radically, these innovative recordings overturn some very basic concepts regarding how music is played and even composed. 2L emphasizes surround sound with Pure Audio Blu-ray and HiRes file distribution, and have garnered no less than 12 American GRAMMY nominations over the past six years.

1. Tchaikovsky, Serenade For Strings Op. 48: I. Pezzo In Forma Di Sonatina
2. Tchaikovsky, Serenade For Strings Op. 48: II. Walzer
3. Tchaikovsky, Serenade For Strings Op. 48: III. Elegie
4. Tchaikovsky, Serenade For Strings Op. 48: IV. Finale
5. Nielsen, Suite For String Orchestra Op. 1: I. Prelude
6. Nielsen, Suite For String Orchestra Op. 1: II. Intermezzo
7. Nielsen, Suite For String Orchestra Op. 1: III. Finale

发帖时间:2012-12-08 21:34:01   |   回复数:1
2013-2-6 #2楼