
[无损音乐] Jill Tracy & The Malcontent Orchestra -《Into the Land of Phantoms》[FLAC]

专辑英文名: Into the Land of Phantoms
歌手: Jill Tracy & The Malcontent Orchestra
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2002年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

音乐风格:Dark cabaret


一切可以从那优雅的钢琴声说起,一切也可以从Jill那迷人的歌声说起。然而只突出其中一点,是无法说尽Jill Tracy的音乐的。况且我们也无法抛弃那些时快时慢的鼓声,时隐时现的小提琴的低吟,颓废的爵士气息,关于地狱,以及那些神秘幽暗的影像。Jill Tracy的音乐是一部电影,一部关于黑暗的电影。

从1995年Jill发行了她第一张专辑《Quintessentially Unreal 》之后的13年间,她共发表了四张专辑。可以说,这四张专辑的风格比较统一,以钢琴为主奏,只是2002年与The Malcontent OrchestraInto合作的那张《The Land Of Phantoms》,古典气息与幽暗气息浓厚,其实02年张专辑是为1922年电影《吸血鬼》的配乐,本人流泪推荐

08年发行的这张《The Bittersweet Constrain》也是和The Malcontent OrchestraInto的合作,依然是Dark Cabaret的风格,细细听来感觉依然很棒,所以推荐一下。

曲目试听:13. Nosferatu stalks Harker, amidst Nina's dreams (3:44)


01. Main title theme (1:45)
02. Nina and Harker in love (1:24)
03. Renfield concocts a scheme (2:21)
04. Nina warns Harker as he departs (1:36)
05. The carriage embarks on its journey (0:50)
06. The Book of the Vampires (2:00)
07. Approaching the Land of Phantoms (1:45)
08. Aboard the phantom carriage (1:30)
09. Nosferatu appears (1:02)
10. The accident at dinner (1:39)
11. Morning (1:11)
12. The locket (1:07)
13. Nosferatu stalks Harker, amidst Nina's dreams (3:44)
14. Discovering the coffin (1:32)
15. Harker makes his escape (1:13)
16. The ocean (0:51)
17. Sailors encounter the rats (1:01)
18. Doctor Van Helsing (0:44)
19. Renfield possessed (1:06)
20. The Professor / Renfield confined (1:06)
21. Nina by the seashore (1:22)
22. The ship (2:03)
23. Tragedy at sea (1:17)
24. Terror below deck (2:00)
25. The voyage of the dead (1:06)
26. Nina in a trance (0:25)
27. The carriage (0:49)
28. The ship arrives with ominous cargo (1:05)
29. Nosferatu carries his coffin (1:53)
30. Crossing the waters (0:31)
31. The plague (3:23)
32. Funeral procession (0:43)
33. Nina learns the truth about the vampire (2:23)
34. The sick lay dying / Nina realizes her fate (1:49)
35. The chase (1:41)
36. Nina awaits the vampire (2:36)
37. Nosferatu sees the sun (1:41)
38. The village is saved (1:01)


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