
[MV/LIVE] While My Guitar Gently Weeps -- India Arie [acc MP4/115]


MV描述 : 曾经获得过13座格莱美大奖,全球唱片销量超过1亿张的吉他大师Santana,《While My Guitar Gently Weeps》是他的翻唱专辑《吉他天堂》中的首支单曲,是已故的Beatles(披头士)的吉他手乔治·哈里森经典吉他作品 由Santana与著名大提琴家马友友,以及女歌手India.Arie一同合作完成。

hile My Guitar Gently Weeps

I look, at you all, see the love, there that's sleeping, while my guitar, gently weeps.
当我的吉他轻轻地哭泣 我看到了你深眠的爱情

I look, at the floor, and I see it needs sweeping,
still my guitar, gently weeps.
我注视着狼藉的地面 我的吉他仍在轻轻地流泪

I don't know why, nobody told you, how to unfold your love.
难道没有人告诉你 如何开启你尘封的爱情

I don't know how, someone controlled you, they bought and sold you.
是谁让你着了魔 和你在一起却又把你抛弃

I look, at the world, and I notice it's turning,while my guitar, gently weeps.
当我的吉他轻轻地哭泣 我注意到世界正在经历着巨变

With every mistake, we must surely, be learning,still my guitar, gently weeps
我们不能再伤害对方 我的吉他仍在轻轻地流泪

I don't know how, you were diverted,
you were perverted, too.  
你为什么要三心二意 你变的已经不像原来的你

I don't know how, you were inverted,
no one alerted you.
你为什么要改变自己 我们本无隔阂

I look, at you all, see the love, there that's sleeping,while my guitar, gently weeps.
当我的吉他轻轻地哭泣 我看到了你深眠的爱情

look at you all...
still my guitar, gently weeps.
看着你 我的吉他仍在轻轻地哭泣
(End By Jsy )

发帖时间:2011-07-20 02:45:12   |   回复数:0