
[] Xinjiang: Buerjin to Kanas Lake新疆:布尔津到喀纳斯湖

跟大家分享 一下在布尔津和喀纳斯湖录节目时拍的照片。 Just wanted to share a few photos we took when we were filming in Buerjin and Kanas Lake.  Enjoy!
布尔津的五彩滩又美又神奇。 最有趣的是河一边是多彩的石山,没有任何植物,生命很难生存。但河另一边有绿色的森林,充满生活。The Five Colors Beach in Buerjin is fascinating. One side of the river is desolate colorful landscape completely devoid of vegetation and life, while across the river is lush green forest that is full of life.
布尔津五彩滩的夕阳。Sunset at Five Colors Beach in Buerjin.
在喀纳斯:天现在更黑了…要去住宿地…车坏了!我的新同屋怎么样?巨大的蚊子!  Our car broke down in the middle of the night at Kanas Lake.  What do you think of my roommate?  A monster of a mosquito!
去看喀纳斯湖水怪咯!一大早,往山上爬。Going to see the Kanas Lake monster! Heading to the top of the mountain for the best vantage point.
早上的云海给喀纳斯更增加神秘感。 The morning clouds added even more to the mystery of Kanas.
刚开始啥都看不到。。。 At first, we couldn't see anything...
然后这样的字无法形容的风景突然出现在我面前!WOW!  Then quickly, a view that words cannot be used to describe suddenly appeared!
这是我小木屋的窗户外景。This is the view from the window of my timber hut.
在新疆我们天天能吃到他们无与伦比的羊肉串儿。 看到烟了吗,如果能闻到香味就更好了!  In Xinjiang, we get to eat their unrivalled lamb skewers every single day. See the smoke? If you could smell the aroma, that would be even better!
在旅途中,一直忙着玩儿,忙着吃或忙着拍吃的。几乎完全忽略了新疆的满地满山的野花。还好在喀纳斯湖拍了这几张。送给你!On my travels, I was either busy having fun, eating or photographing food. I almost entirely ignored the wildflowers. Luckily, I have a few shots from Kanas Lake for you.

发帖时间:2011-12-03 12:06:23   |   回复数:1
2011-12-4 #2楼